On Friday November 20th 2020, Boulder and Denver counties entered the “new red” COVID restriction levels. So what does that mean for us at Boulder Holistic?
Due to the current risk of COVID-19 infection, we are trying to do our part in slowing the spread of the coronavirus by limiting the number of face-to-face appointments per state order. We are booking appointments with our doctors via telemedicine through zoom or over the phone over the next few weeks in order to best comply with the new restrictions.
We are allowing in-person visits for those patients who want or need to be seen in-person for medical reasons. Please discuss your concerns with the front desk when booking your appointment.
Our goal is to continue to provide the best care possible to all our patients during these uncertain times. More than ever, it is important to stay connected with your doctor in order to maintain optimum immune health, sleep, nutrition and stay as healthy as possible. We are all in this together!
Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday,
Dr. Fox and Dr. Reidhead
What to do if you have been exposed to someone who tested positive for the coronavirus?
We recommend the following for patients who have been in close contact/exposed to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the CDC, close contact is defined as being within 6 feet of the infected person for longer than 15 minutes.
1. The CDC, Colorado.gov and Boulder County websites recommend that all people who have had exposure to a known positive COVID-19 infected person quarantine for a full 14 days. We are finding that it may take up to 14 days for enough of the virus to grow in the body to know whether you will become symptomatic.
2. You should quarantine, even if you do not have symptoms. During your 14-day quarantine, you are to monitor for the development of signs and symptoms of coronavirus infection.
- These symptoms include fever, shortness of breath, chills, loss of smell/taste, fatigue, headache and gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea or nausea.
- If mild to moderate symptoms develop, please contact your doctor and we can help you to get tested for COVID-19 and assist you with supporting your body during initial infection phase.
- If severe symptoms develop, like difficulty breathing, blue lips or skin, or changes in mental status, please call ahead to the emergency room and let them know you or your loved one has been exposed to the virus and is experiencing severe symptoms and needs to be seen immediately.
3. People may wish to be tested for COVID-19 during their quarantine, even if they do not develop symptoms. In this case, it is recommended that you wait a full 5-7 days after being exposed to the coronavirus before you get tested so that we get accurate results. Testing too early may lead to a false negative result.
There is a list of testing facilities on Boulder County’s website. https://www.bouldercounty.org/families/disease/covid-19/testing/
For a list of Denver county testing sites, please visit: