- Please do not come to the office if you have a fever, cough or shortness of breath. Call or email instead.
- We are happy to arrange phone and video consultations for symptomatic patients
- Our pharmacy is open for all your immune health needs
Dearest Friends of Boulder Holistic,
In light of recent events and recommendations, we have decided to close our doors to the public at Boulder Holistic, Functional Medicine PC. However, we are doing our best to adapt in-office so that we can continue taking care of your healthcare needs.
All consults have been switched to phone consults as of Monday, March 16. Because we cannot ensure social distancing compliance, we will not be doing IV’s or blood draws onsite. We will be happy to email you your lab requisition for your next blood draw. Below is a list of places to get your blood drawn.
Our first priority is the health and wellbeing of the Boulder Holistic team, our patients and our community. As long as we can ensure the health of our staff, we will all be in the office, answering emails, phone calls and doing phone consults with patients. We have a wonderful system in place to leave your supplements and test kits in front of our office for you to pick up or we would be happy to ship them to you. Our online pharmacy, Fullscript is also an option for obtaining many supplements.
Our focus now, is to continue to support your ongoing treatment plans as well as help you stay healthy!
Please note: we are selling out of immune boosters, anti-virals and anti-inflammatories as soon as they come in the door. Please let us know if you would like to order or pre-order now. We will continue to order what we can, while we can.
Click here for our latest blogs about COVID-19 and our recommended immune system boosters: https://boulderholistic.com/boulder-holistic-blog/
Click here for places to get your blood drawn: https://boulderholistic.com/resources/
While times like these are stressful and uncertain, we are here to support you and your family. We have ordered our favorite go-to’s for stress, anxiety, adrenal and sleep support to help harmonize and soothe our mind, body and sprits.
Remember to breathe, sleep, exercise, eat your green veggies and wash your hands!
Nothing like this has ever happened before, there’s no medical/historical precedence from which to glean insight. The infinite, unlimited access we have to all types of information, helpful or not, is unique to any global health crisis we have seen before.
In this time of uncertainty and upheaval, let’s try to support, love and take care of each other. There’s an opportunity here to come out of this with more care, understanding and compassion for our fellow humans. There’s an opportunity to bond more deeply with our family.
We are here to help in any way we can.
Be well,
Terri Fox MD, Dr. Amy Reidhead, Melissa and Sara