- Please do not come to the office if you have a fever, cough or shortness of breath. Call or email instead.
- We are happy to arrange phone and video consultations for symptomatic patients
- Our pharmacy is open for all your immune health needs
COVID-19 Update
Boulder Holistic is currently open. We are following the CDC guidelines for healthcare facilities for the best practice of containing a viral outbreak. We will do our best to care for our patients to the best of our abilities during these difficult times.
As per CDC guidelines, we ask that patients refrain from coming in to the office if you are exhibiting signs and symptoms of a viral illness, including fever, cough, sore throat, or body aches.
Our doctors will schedule virtual appointments for ill patients to help assess health situations and decide if further medical work-up and testing is required.
We are happy to switch any scheduled in-person consults to phone or video consults. Given the large volume of emails and phone calls, please allow up to 2-3 days for responses to non-symptomatic patients.
Our role is to help direct you to the best and most current information available about COVID-19 as well as to provide immune support to help maintain healthy immune systems in our patients.
Immune Boosting Supplements:
Antiviral and immune boosting supplements are flying off our shelves. We placed new orders at the end of last week and we expect to receive shipments the first part of the week. Call or email the office for preorders. We will be happy to set aside or ship supplements to you.
Our Immune Boosting Recommendations
- Vit A 10,000-30,000 iu/day
- Vit D 5,000-10,0000 iu/day
- Zinc 25-50mg/day with food
- Vit C 1,000-3,000mg/day as tolerated
- High dose physician grade probiotics 1 cap/packet daily
- Allimed 1-2 caps/day preventively, 1 caps 3X’s/day if symptomatic.
- Mega IgG 4 caps/day
We have multiple anti-viral herbal combinations. We are also making our own anti-viral herbal tincture based on the most up-to-date information on herbs that may help with this virus.a
Most importantly:
- Wash your hands frequently
- Avoid crowds
- Stay hydrated
- Get plenty of sleep and fresh air
Remember to be kind, caring and loving to friends and family during these scary and unprecedented times.
What has changed?
Since last Monday, the CDC has changed their website considerably to make it more user friendly. They now have quick access buttons to guide folks looking to protect themselves from the coronavirus, as well as what to do if you think you may be sick.
Here is the simplified breakdown of the new, expanded criteria for prioritizing individuals who should be tested from multiple reputable sources:
- Boulder Holistic guidelines published on our blog. Additionally, the CDC updated their criteria on March 9, broadening inclusion to hospitalized patients, those with chronic illness and healthcare workers. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick.html
- Boulder county’s new expanded criteria is found here: https://www.bouldercounty.org/families/disease/covid-19/
- Colorado Department of Health testing criteria is published here: https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/covid-19-testing
Note: These criteria are changing as we speak, so it is important to check back with the CDC often to keep up with current guidelines. CDC guidelines.
Again, signs and symptoms include fever and a dry cough. Click here for a full list of symptoms . Mildly ill patients are encouraged to stay home and contact their healthcare providers by phone or email for guidance about clinical management of their symptoms.
Patients with severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, should seek emergency care immediately. If you require emergency care or need to call 911, call ahead and let them know that you may be infected with COVID-19 so that adequate precaution can be made with transport and isolation in the emergency center.
Older patients who have underlying medical conditions or are immune compromised should contact their physician early in the course of even mild illness.
It is not recommended that you go into any doctor’s office or healthcare facility with a fever and signs of upper respiratory symptoms. Instead, patients are encouraged to call the healthcare facility ahead of time and receive instructions for next steps from the healthcare provider.
What to expect if it is determined that you need to be tested: After calling, you may be instructed to go to the facility where specially protected healthcare providers will come out to your car and assess you for fever and other symptoms. It’s possible you will need to undergo further testing.
Information on Drive up testing in Colorado:
Current Colorado statistics of +COVID-19 cases: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRSxDeeJEaDxir0cCd9Sfji8ZPKzNaCPZnvRCbG63Oa1ztz4B4r7xG_wsoC9ucd_ei3–Pz7UD50yQD/pub
Let us know if we can help!
Be well,
Terri, Amy, Ame, Melissa and Sara